Hello! My name is Kira. I prefer to listen than talk. So tell me about you!
Where were you born?
I was born in sunny Southern California.
Where do you call home?
Well, we currently live in Woodforest but honestly home will be wherever all my boys are. I’m a more of who you’re with than what you have kind of person.
Introduce your kiddo/s.
We have 2 boys. My oldest, Logan, who is 7 and in 1st grade. Wow. Can’t believe it sometimes. And my youngest, Felix who recently turned 4 and will be starting preschool in the new year. Which I have very mixed feelings about!
How long have you been Stroller Striding/FIT4MOMming and how did you find us?
Oh goodness, how long has it been now…? I’m terrible with time. I think 2 or 3 years this coming January? Oh actually I joined the Fit4Mom out in southern California after my first was born. ACTUALLY, to give credit where credit is due, my husband found the group for me and gently suggested to look into it because I was a new mom having a hard time getting back out into the world. Took me a year to look into it but I finally did and I’m so grateful because it led me here!
Share a hidden talent.
It’s hidden for a reason.
Share a favorite mom moment.
I think besides getting unprompted snuggles and love from the boys which completely fills my heart… I am most proud of my “momming” when I see or hear my kids use language or tools that I have worked hard to teach them. Mostly centered around dealing with their big feelings or being compassionate and kind towards others. When those lessons hit and you see them in practice in your kids - it fills you with an unparalleled sense of pride and hope.
Share a most challenging mom moment.
One of the hardest things for me is seeing my kids struggle with traits or issues *I* struggle with. I almost feel defeated at times because I think, “How am I supposed to teach my kid how to deal with or work through these issues if I can’t do it for myself??” And honestly some of the behavior is triggering because you see the parts of yourself you maybe don’t love so much coming at you in the shape of a 7 or 4 year old.
What did you do before kid/s?
So many things!!! Lol. I could get in the car and leave somewhere under 5 minutes!! I worked in live theatre. Stage management or company management. We actually toured through Houston many moons ago and now I go fairly often to the Hobby to see shows and it feels nostalgic to me in a way.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Oh wow. I have a hard time planning next month! 5 years… hmm… old. Lol. No no, there’s talk of another baby. So maybe with a 3rd? Maybe with only a 12 and 9 year old? Maybe still here?? Maybe somewhere completely different? I’ve learned to become very flexible as a mom. I’m up for whatever 5 years has to throw at me. Let’s go!
What keeps you coming back to FIT4MOM?
The community. The support. The camaraderie. The laughter. The workouts. Boost! I love my 5:30am Boost workouts. It almost feels like a mini moms night out every workout because it’s just moms getting some us time.
Share 3 things you love to do other than FIT4MOMming
1. Traveling, with or without kids. I’m always up to hear people’s favorite places they’ve been and tips!
2. Going out and finding great restaurants. Again open to hear any recs!
3. My husband
Anything else you'd like to share about yourself?
I’m a huge musical theater nerd. One of my favorite things an old friend ever said to me after she got to know me a bit was - “You’re a lot less cool than you look.” She meant it as a compliment and I took it as one.