Hi there! I’m Allison.
Where were you born?
Houston, TX
Where do you call home?
I grew up in Bellaire, but we moved to Clear Lake for high school. I consider Clear Lake to be home.
Introduce your kiddo/s.
I have two amazing daughters! Magnolia is 3 and fearless. She loves all different types of activities and recently learned to ski!
Goldie is 1 and is the most friendly little baby. She loves people, to be held, and especially loves all food.
How long have you been Stroller Striding/FIT4MOMming and how did you find us?
I joined FIT4MOM as soon as I was cleared by my doctor after Goldie was born, which was a little over a year ago. I was looking for ways to get moving and get out of the house - especially for my toddler! Magnolia fell in love with going to “workout class” with me.
Share a hidden talent.
Figure skating! I skated competitively through school, and taught lessons to all ages/levels for 10 years. I plan to start teaching again eventually.
Share a favorite mom moment.
It is so hard to pick just one! Most recently, Magnolia was really excited about her Christmas program at school. She hadn’t told me what song she was performing yet, but I figured it out when “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” started playing in a store and she started singing and doing her dance for all of the store patrons. Separately, I am loving watching my girls become closer as Goldie gets older. Goldie is obsessed with Magnolia, and Magnolia is her fiercest protector.
Share a most challenging mom moment.
I have a really hard time with the constant “one more book” requests. I love reading to my kids, but am always so tapped out by the end of the day. Regardless, I hate saying no when they want to read more! Also, Magnolia is a parrot and will repeat any curse words that are said - in the right context.
What did you do before kid/s?
I worked full time at EY in our People Consulting practice (I still do!). I manage the people elements for large business transformations and transactions for some really exciting clients. I used to also teach ice skating on the side, but now I spend my time off with my girls.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I’d like to be involved at my daughters’ elementary school and running them around to the activities they are interested in. I would love to write and publish a book one day - so hopefully I will be a bit further along in that endeavor. I’m also hoping our family will be blessed with another baby (or 2!)
What keeps you coming back to FIT4MOM?
The community - I love chatting with other moms who are in similar stages of life. The playgroups, mom’s night outs, and other events are just as important to me as the workouts!
Share 3 things you love to do other than FIT4MOMming
I love reading (mostly audiobooks since we’re always on the go), musicals, and traveling!